Healthy Habits For The Mind, Body And Soul .
Editor | Kahli Saunders
When it comes to talking healthy habits we generally associate this with physical practices. However in order to be our healthiest selves we must understand that our mind is as powerful as our body.
We’re told to eat healthy and practice mindfulness. But how do we actually do this?
These are a few easy healthy habits that I try and practice to improve my overall wellbeing :
Setting Goals
I believe the first step to achieving your goals is to note them down. No matter how simple or complex, write it down! Being able to physically see what you want, encourages you to work towards it.
How should I record my dreams?
You can simply record your thoughts, dreams and goals down on your phone or on a notepad / journal. If you want to get a little more creative you can make yourself a dream box. This is the method I use. Use any form of box, decorate it how you want and then fill it with your goals and dreams. Keep it by your bed and go through it daily. It may just inspire you to live your day a little differently
Another way you can record these goals is by creating a vision / mood board. Some people resonate more with pictures then words. Collect pictures, quotes and specific words that you would associate with your goal / dream.
Meditation is one of the best forms of relaxation, it does wonders for the mind and body, but meditation doesn’t have to be practiced the traditional way you’re imagining it. Let’s take a look!
Create a playlist of calming music, set aside a time to listen to these songs and before you know it your meditating. Also, get in tune with your breath! Take a moment to focus on your breath. Practice breathing in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 , breathe out for 4 and then hold at the bottom for 4. Repeat this 5 times and notice how it makes you feel.
Preparation Before The Practice
My favourite time to meditate is just before bed. In preparation for my meditation I like to put moisturiser on my body- lush sleepy is my go to! I put on a fresh pair of pjs and have a hot cup of tea beside me. I have realised the things I do before my meditation are equally as effective in relaxing my mind and body as the meditation itself.
Apps That Can Assist
Bloom - Is designed with heaps of features to help you practice meditation these include guided and visual mediations, affirmations, yoga and other mindfulness activities.
Food For Thought
Having a healthy relationship with food isn’t about sticking to a restricting diet, and feeling guilty when you have a bad day. it’s about making small changes to your every day eating habits to change the way you feel about food.
Drink More Water
Water flushes toxins, strengthens Immune system and helps manage weight.
Try drinking more water first thing in the morning and experience the positive differences.
Eat Your Veggies
The recommended daily intake of veggies is 3 cups!
Some simple ways to get more veggies into your diet include
- Swapping muesli bars for veggie sticks.
- Adding shredded carrot and sweet potato into your mince.
- Try zucchini noodles instead of regular noodles.
Adding extra veggies into your day will up your fibre and micronutrients intake as well as keep you fuller for longer!
Don’t Forget Dessert
Remember what you eat is equally as important to our mind as our body. So eat the food that’s going to make your soul smile!